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About Us

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Rainbow Kennels, located in rolling hills of southern Ohio, specializes in the breeding and training of exceptional grouse, woodcock and walking shooting dogs.  

Born and raised on the nearly 300 acre family farm, Kelly has been training dogs his entire life.  Kelly's avid interest in bird and pointing dogs began in the late 1980's when he started specializing in grouse dogs. 

Kelly's training program is designed to start young dogs on liberated quail and chuckers which Kelly keeps on the farm.  He also has at his disposal many mixed covers where grouse and woodcock can be worked.  .

Please contact me at your convenience by phone 740.493-3419, by text at 740.648-8431 or by email at if you are interested in purchasing a well bred English Setter for hunting or companionship.


Mission Statement
"To breed, preserve and improve high caliber pointing dogs that hunt hard, find birds, and want to be your hunting companion. 

Our Values




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